
2018 Summer Conference Presentations

June 6-8, 2018

“Clearing the Hurdles in Public Management”

Thank you again for your participation at the 2018 Summer Conference.

Included below are digital copies of the presentations shared during the conference. We ask you to keep these for personal use only. Should you desire to use, alter or share, we respectfully ask you to contact the presenter to gain permission.

ADA Compliancy for Electronic Communication and Websites

Cyber Security: What Would You Do?
Phil Burns

Combatting Substance Abuse Locally
Shelby County’s COMPACT 2020 – A Collaborative Community Drug Intervention, Education & Enforcement Program
Jefferson County’s FY 2018 Project – New Substance Abuse Out-Patient Clinic – Cooper Green

1st Amendment Rights vs. Public Safety
Clayton Calkins
Brad Chynoweth
House Bill 147 – Council Manager Act Amendment
Get to Know Your Alabama Beaches
Best Practices on Social Media Use

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